Make Auto Shutdown Using a Notepad

Well i have finished make AutoShutdown use Notepad extension. "Bat".

Essentially lies in the CMD. Through CMD we can turn off / restart the computer ^ ^.
by typing CMD "Shutdown-s-t (time in seconds)"

for example: "shutdown-s-t 3600"

-S -> to shutdown
-T -> time (time)

If u want Restart your could replace "-s" with "-r"
and to cancel u could typed "shutdown-a".
to see the other commands can typep "shutdown" in the cmd

Then how was create a shortcut using a batch? critanya like this: D
1. Open Notepad brother
2. Type
"Echo off"
"Shutdown-s-t (his time)" (without quotation marks)

ps: if you want to add a comment could be added "c (comment)"

3. Save the file with the extension ". Bat" ex (autoshutdown.bat)

if the street will appear like this

finish .... please you be creative .

Which I've made like this

existing input time and his choice.
simple but useful ^ ^

So if you want to download, u can set time , then u can sleep .. ^

you can dowbload this program here download here